Postcode 2215VL in Voorhout

Searching for the streetname with postcode 2215VL? There is one street which uses the postcode 2215VL in Voorhout. 2215VL is a postcode in the place Voorhout within the municipality Teylingen in the province Zuid-Holland. 2215VL has the postcode number 2215 and is located in the neighbourhood Oosthout within the district Wijk 01 Voorhout.

The postcode 2215VL belongs to the street Rozemarijnhof and has the following housenumber range: 1 - 29.

Overview Streets postcode 2215VL

There is one street belonging to the postcode 2215VL in Voorhout.

street postcode house numbers
Rozemarijnhof 2215VL 1 to 29

More about the postcode 2215VL

2215VL is a postcode in the city Voorhout within the municipality Teylingen of the province Zuid-Holland. 2215VL is 1 of the 369 postcodes in Voorhout. 2215VL is assigned to 1 street of the total 201 streets that is using Voorhout. The postcode 2215VL is linked to the street Rozemarijnhof and has the house number range 1 - 29.

2215VL is locaed in the neighbourhood Oosthout within the district Wijk 01 Voorhout. This neighbourhood has a total of 100 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 1 780 households with 4 795 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the postcode 2215VL is 0252.

province: Zuid-Holland
municipality: Teylingen
place: Voorhout
district: Wijk 01 Voorhout
neighbourhood: Oosthout
postcode number: 2215
area code: 0252

Stations and supermarkets 2215VL

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the postcode 2215VL.

stations 2215VL

These 5 stations with postcode and address can be found in the vicinity of the postcode 2215VL.

station street postcode distance
Station Voorhout Componistenlaan 10 2215SN 1.43 km
Station Leiden Centraal Stationsplein 3B 2312AJ 6.56 km
Station Leiden Lammenschans Kamerlingh Onnesplein 1 2313VL 8.48 km
Station De Vink Alexandrine Tinneplein 300 2331AZ 9.7 km
Station Hillegom 2e Loosterweg 2A 2182CJ 11.57 km

supermarkets 2215VL

These are the 5 supermarkets closest to the postcode 2215VL.

station street postcode distance
Aldi Oosthoutplein 5 2215VM 0.79 km
Albert Heijn Jacoba van Beierenhof 26 2215JK 1.49 km
Plus Herenstraat 45 2215KD 1.91 km
Vomar Hoofdstraat 169 2171BB 2.44 km
Hoogvliet Hortusplein 14 2171GZ 2.74 km
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