Postcode Zonhof in Oude-Tonge

In search for the postcode of Zonhof? There is one postcode linked to the street Zonhof in Oude-Tonge. Zonhof is a street in the place Oude-Tonge within the municipality Goeree-Overflakkee in the province Utrecht. Zonhof has the postcode number 3255 and is located in the neighbourhood Oude-Tonge planetenbuurt within the district Oude-Tonge.

Overview Postcodes Zonhof

There is one postcode belonging to the street Zonhof in Oude-Tonge.

postcode street house numbers
3255TN Zonhof 1 t/m 40

More about Zonhof

Zonhof is a street in the place Oude-Tonge within the municipality Goeree-Overflakkee of the province Utrecht. Zonhof is 1 of the 91 streets in Oude-Tonge. Zonhof has 1 postcode of the total 107 postcodes that Oude-Tonge knows.

Zonhof is located in the neighbourhood Oude-Tonge planetenbuurt within the district Oude-Tonge. This neighbourhood has a total of 18 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 515 households with 1 310 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the Zonhof is 0187.

province: Utrecht
municipality: Goeree-Overflakkee
place: Oude-Tonge
district: Oude-Tonge
neighbourhood: Oude-Tonge planetenbuurt
postcode number: 3255
area code: 0187

Stations and supermarkets Zonhof

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the street Zonhof

stations Zonhof

Below you see the stations which are near the street Zonhof with the corresponding street name and postcode.

station street postcode distance
Station Bergen op Zoom Stationsplein 1 4611BX 23.97 km
Station Maassluis Stationsweg 8 3143LS 25.56 km
Station Vlaardingen West Geuzenplein 5 3132AB 26.47 km
Station Maassluis West Koningshoek 97001 3144BA 26.48 km
Station Vlaardingen Centrum Parallelweg 82 3131DH 27.82 km

supermarkets Zonhof

Below is an overview of supermarkets with postcode and address information near the street Zonhof.

supermarket street postcode distance
Albert Heijn Dabbestraat 2 3255XB 1.03 km
Troefmarkt Bommelsedijk 78 3256LC 8.07 km
Agrimarkt Kastanjelaan 45 3241BH 8.28 km
Plus Kerkepad 7 3241CH 8.92 km
Troefmarkt Emmastraat 27 3258AG 9.06 km
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