Postcode Hooiweg in Rijssen

In search for the postcode of Hooiweg? There is one postcode linked to the street Hooiweg in Rijssen. Hooiweg is a street in the place Rijssen within the municipality Rijssen-Holten in the province Overijssel. Hooiweg has the postcode number 7462 and is located in the neighbourhood Verspreide huizen Ligtenberg within the district Wijk 02 Buitengebied Rijssen.

Overview Postcodes Hooiweg

There is one postcode belonging to the street Hooiweg in Rijssen.

postcode street house numbers
7462SL Hooiweg 2 t/m 2

More about Hooiweg

Hooiweg is a street in the place Rijssen within the municipality Rijssen-Holten of the province Overijssel. Hooiweg is 1 of the 330 streets in Rijssen. Hooiweg has 1 postcode of the total 653 postcodes that Rijssen knows.

Hooiweg is located in the neighbourhood Verspreide huizen Ligtenberg within the district Wijk 02 Buitengebied Rijssen. This neighbourhood has a total of 15 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 55 households with 175 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the Hooiweg is 0548.

province: Overijssel
municipality: Rijssen-Holten
place: Rijssen
district: Wijk 02 Buitengebied Rijssen
neighbourhood: Verspreide huizen Ligtenberg
postcode number: 7462
area code: 0548

Stations and supermarkets Hooiweg

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the street Hooiweg

stations Hooiweg

Below you see the stations which are near the street Hooiweg with the corresponding street name and postcode.

station street postcode distance
Station Nijverdal Stationsstraat 3 7443BX 4.41 km
Station Rijssen Stationsdwarsweg 1 7461AR 5.66 km
Station Holten Stationsstraat 12 7451BH 7.19 km
Station Wierden Spoorstraat 2 7641BJ 14.13 km
Station Goor Stationslaan 3 7471AP 16.55 km

supermarkets Hooiweg

Below is an overview of supermarkets with postcode and address information near the street Hooiweg.

supermarket street postcode distance
EMTE Laan oud-Indiƫgangers 5 7463CH 3.22 km
Sanders Portlandweg 9 7442VB 3.39 km
Aldi Bachlaan 30 7442JG 3.73 km
Albert Heijn Spoelerstraat 6 7442AA 4.34 km
Lidl Grotestraat 74 7443BK 4.41 km
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