Postcode Hof van Pampus in Hoofddorp

In search for the postcode of Hof van Pampus? There is one postcode linked to the street Hof van Pampus in Hoofddorp. Hof van Pampus is a street in the place Hoofddorp within the municipality Haarlemmermeer in the province Noord-Holland. Hof van Pampus has the postcode number 2134 and is located in the neighbourhood Hoofddorp Floriande West within the district Hoofddorp.

Overview Postcodes Hof van Pampus

There is one postcode belonging to the street Hof van Pampus in Hoofddorp.

postcode street house numbers
2134AE Hof van Pampus 1 t/m 119

More about Hof van Pampus

Hof van Pampus is a street in the place Hoofddorp within the municipality Haarlemmermeer of the province Noord-Holland. Hof van Pampus is 1 of the 513 streets in Hoofddorp. Hof van Pampus has 1 postcode of the total 1 449 postcodes that Hoofddorp knows.

Hof van Pampus is located in the neighbourhood Hoofddorp Floriande West within the district Hoofddorp. This neighbourhood has a total of 66 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 3 760 households with 10 205 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the Hof van Pampus is 023.

province: Noord-Holland
municipality: Haarlemmermeer
place: Hoofddorp
district: Hoofddorp
neighbourhood: Hoofddorp Floriande West
postcode number: 2134
area code: 023

Stations and supermarkets Hof van Pampus

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the street Hof van Pampus

stations Hof van Pampus

Below you see the stations which are near the street Hof van Pampus with the corresponding street name and postcode.

station street postcode distance
Station Nieuw Vennep Venneperweg 301 2153MA 5.34 km
Station Heemstede-Aerdenhout Zandvoortselaan 153 2106AM 6.64 km
Station Hillegom 2e Loosterweg 2A 2182CJ 6.79 km
Station Hoofddorp Mercuriusplein 30 2132HA 8 km
Station Haarlem Stationsplein 1 2011LR 9.44 km

supermarkets Hof van Pampus

Below is an overview of supermarkets with postcode and address information near the street Hof van Pampus.

supermarket street postcode distance
Albert Heijn Genderenplein 13 2134DP 1.34 km
Coop Aalburgplein 63 2134DM 1.41 km
Albert Heijn Schoollaan 23 2121GC 3.61 km
Lidl Händelplein 197 2151NN 3.68 km
Albert Heijn Händelplein 185 2151NN 3.73 km
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