Postcode Nieuwstraat in Rijswijk (NB)

In search for the postcode of Nieuwstraat? There are 2 postcodes linked to the street Nieuwstraat in Rijswijk (NB). Nieuwstraat is a street in the place Rijswijk (NB) within the municipality Woudrichem in the province Noord-Brabant. Nieuwstraat has the postcode number 4284 and is located in the neighbourhood Rijswijk within the district Wijk 02 Rijswijk.

Overview Postcodes Nieuwstraat

There are 2 postcodes belonging to the street Nieuwstraat in Rijswijk (NB).

postcode street house numbers
4284VJ Nieuwstraat 1 t/m 29
4284VK Nieuwstraat 2 t/m 26

More about Nieuwstraat

Nieuwstraat is a street in the place Rijswijk (NB) within the municipality Woudrichem of the province Noord-Brabant. Nieuwstraat is 1 of the 33 streets in Rijswijk (NB). Nieuwstraat knows 2 postcodes of the total 49 postcodes that Rijswijk (NB) has.

Nieuwstraat is located in the neighbourhood Rijswijk within the district Wijk 02 Rijswijk. This neighbourhood has a total of 44 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 650 households with 1 640 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the Nieuwstraat is 0183.

province: Noord-Brabant
municipality: Woudrichem
place: Rijswijk (NB)
district: Wijk 02 Rijswijk
neighbourhood: Rijswijk
postcode number: 4284
area code: 0183

Stations and supermarkets Nieuwstraat

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the street Nieuwstraat

stations Nieuwstraat

Below you see the stations which are near the street Nieuwstraat with the corresponding street name and postcode.

station street postcode distance
Station Gorinchem Stationsweg 3 4205AA 6.92 km
Station Arkel Stationsweg 25 4241XH 8.58 km
Station Leerdam Stationsweg 3 4141HB 13.27 km
Station Hardinxveld-Giessendam Stationsstraat 2 3371AX 21.01 km
Station Beesd Stationsweg 12 4153RD 22.17 km

supermarkets Nieuwstraat

Below is an overview of supermarkets with postcode and address information near the street Nieuwstraat.

supermarket street postcode distance
Lidl Postweide 135 4285DV 2.64 km
Spar Burgemeester van der Schansstraat 18 4281LJ 4.19 km
Nettorama Dr. H.B. Wiardi Beckmanplein 67 4207NA 5.22 km
Plus Dr. H.B. Wiardi Beckmanplein 37 4207NA 5.26 km
Nettorama Arkelse Onderweg 32 4206AH 6.18 km
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