Postcode Korenbloemstraat in Bergen op Zoom

In search for the postcode of Korenbloemstraat? There are 2 postcodes linked to the street Korenbloemstraat in Bergen op Zoom. Korenbloemstraat is a street in the place Bergen op Zoom within the municipality Bergen op Zoom in the province Noord-Brabant. Korenbloemstraat has the postcode number 4621 and is located in the neighbourhood Gageldonk-West within the district Wijk 02 Bergen op Zoom-Oost.

Overview Postcodes Korenbloemstraat

There are 2 postcodes belonging to the street Korenbloemstraat in Bergen op Zoom.

postcode street house numbers
4621HW Korenbloemstraat 1 t/m 27
4621HX Korenbloemstraat 2 t/m 32

More about Korenbloemstraat

Korenbloemstraat is a street in the place Bergen op Zoom within the municipality Bergen op Zoom of the province Noord-Brabant. Korenbloemstraat is 1 of the 798 streets in Bergen op Zoom. Korenbloemstraat knows 2 postcodes of the total 1 430 postcodes that Bergen op Zoom has.

Korenbloemstraat is located in the neighbourhood Gageldonk-West within the district Wijk 02 Bergen op Zoom-Oost. This neighbourhood has a total of 135 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 2 335 households with 4 995 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the Korenbloemstraat is 0164.

province: Noord-Brabant
municipality: Bergen op Zoom
place: Bergen op Zoom
district: Wijk 02 Bergen op Zoom-Oost
neighbourhood: Gageldonk-West
postcode number: 4621
area code: 0164

Stations and supermarkets Korenbloemstraat

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the street Korenbloemstraat

stations Korenbloemstraat

Below you see the stations which are near the street Korenbloemstraat with the corresponding street name and postcode.

station street postcode distance
Station Bergen op Zoom Stationsplein 1 4611BX 0.43 km
Station Rilland-Bath Haltestraat 62 4411NH 17.53 km
Station Roosendaal Stationsplein 1 4702VX 18.42 km
Station Krabbendijke Spoorlaan 7 4413AS 21.45 km
Station Oudenbosch Stationsstraat 7 4731GM 27.93 km

supermarkets Korenbloemstraat

Below is an overview of supermarkets with postcode and address information near the street Korenbloemstraat.

supermarket street postcode distance
C1000 Piusplein 20 4621EN 0.45 km
Jumbo Burgemeester Van Hasseltstraat 1 4611BG 1.02 km
MCD Bloemendaal 56 4614CW 1.11 km
Aldi Glacisstraat 17 4615AE 1.28 km
Albert Heijn Glacisstraat 15 4615AE 1.32 km
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