Postcode 9503BB in Stadskanaal

Searching for the streetname with postcode 9503BB? There is one street which uses the postcode 9503BB in Stadskanaal. 9503BB is a postcode in the place Stadskanaal within the municipality Stadskanaal in the province Groningen. 9503BB has the postcode number 9503 and is located in the neighbourhood Parkwijk within the district Stadskanaal.

The postcode 9503BB belongs to the street Burg. Reyndersstraat and has the following housenumber range: 51 - 111.

Overview Streets postcode 9503BB

There is one street belonging to the postcode 9503BB in Stadskanaal.

street postcode house numbers
Burg. Reyndersstraat 9503BB 51 to 111

More about the postcode 9503BB

9503BB is a postcode in the city Stadskanaal within the municipality Stadskanaal of the province Groningen. 9503BB is 1 of the 639 postcodes in Stadskanaal. 9503BB is assigned to 1 street of the total 365 streets that is using Stadskanaal. The postcode 9503BB is linked to the street Burg. Reyndersstraat and has the house number range 51 - 111.

9503BB is locaed in the neighbourhood Parkwijk within the district Stadskanaal. This neighbourhood has a total of 73 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 1 230 households with 2 615 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the postcode 9503BB is 0599.

province: Groningen
municipality: Stadskanaal
place: Stadskanaal
district: Stadskanaal
neighbourhood: Parkwijk
postcode number: 9503
area code: 0599

Stations and supermarkets 9503BB

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the postcode 9503BB.

stations 9503BB

These 5 stations with postcode and address can be found in the vicinity of the postcode 9503BB.

station street postcode distance
Station Winschoten Stationsweg 22 9671AN 19.53 km
Station Scheemda Stationsstraat 57 9679EC 20.47 km
Station Zuidbroek Stationsstraat 5 9636BA 21.11 km
Station Sappemeer Oost Borgercompagnie 2 9611TB 24.07 km
Station Emmen Bargeres Halteweg 23 7825TP 26.06 km

supermarkets 9503BB

These are the 5 supermarkets closest to the postcode 9503BB.

station street postcode distance
Aldi Hoofdstraat 10 9501CL 0.32 km
Jumbo Beneluxlaan 6 9501CT 0.87 km
Albert Heijn Gandhiplein 12 9501DE 0.91 km
Jumbo Poststraat 12 9501EP 1.09 km
Lidl Hoofdstraat 103 9501CR 1.57 km
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