Postcode Ubbenasingel in Spijk Gn

In search for the postcode of Ubbenasingel? There are 4 postcodes linked to the street Ubbenasingel in Spijk Gn. Ubbenasingel is a street in the place Spijk Gn within the municipality Delfzijl in the province Groningen. Ubbenasingel has the postcode number 9909 and is located in the neighbourhood Spijk within the district Wijk 03.

Overview Postcodes Ubbenasingel

There are 4 postcodes belonging to the street Ubbenasingel in Spijk Gn.

postcode street house numbers
9909AM Ubbenasingel 1 t/m 29
9909AN Ubbenasingel 31 t/m 67
9909AP Ubbenasingel 4 t/m 28
9909AR Ubbenasingel 30 t/m 62

More about Ubbenasingel

Ubbenasingel is a street in the place Spijk Gn within the municipality Delfzijl of the province Groningen. Ubbenasingel is 1 of the 40 streets in Spijk Gn. Ubbenasingel knows 4 postcodes of the total 54 postcodes that Spijk Gn has.

Ubbenasingel is located in the neighbourhood Spijk within the district Wijk 03. This neighbourhood has a total of 43 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 505 households with 1 220 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the Ubbenasingel is 0596.

province: Groningen
municipality: Delfzijl
place: Spijk Gn
district: Wijk 03
neighbourhood: Spijk
postcode number: 9909
area code: 0596

Stations and supermarkets Ubbenasingel

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the street Ubbenasingel

stations Ubbenasingel

Below you see the stations which are near the street Ubbenasingel with the corresponding street name and postcode.

station street postcode distance
Station Appingedam Stationsweg 27 9901CP 7.8 km
Station Roodeschool Zuster Kortestraat 1 9983SV 8.42 km
Station Delfzijl West Borkumerrif 87 9931BR 9.53 km
Station Delfzijl Johan van den Kornputplein 1A 9934EA 11.32 km
Station Loppersum Stationslaan 8 9919AB 12.07 km

supermarkets Ubbenasingel

Below is an overview of supermarkets with postcode and address information near the street Ubbenasingel.

supermarket street postcode distance
Coop Alberdaweg 9 9909AJ 0.19 km
Aldi Koningstraat 32 9901EE 7.92 km
Coop Ossedrift 1 9901JH 8.21 km
Albert Heijn Overdiep 1 9902DB 8.4 km
Jumbo Harddraversplein 1 9902CX 8.85 km
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