Postcode Vennootsweg in Een

In search for the postcode of Vennootsweg? There is one postcode linked to the street Vennootsweg in Een. Vennootsweg is a street in the place Een within the municipality Noordenveld in the province Drenthe. Vennootsweg has the postcode number 9342 and is located in the neighbourhood Verspreide huizen Een within the district Wijk 04 Norg.

Overview Postcodes Vennootsweg

There is one postcode belonging to the street Vennootsweg in Een.

postcode street house numbers
9342TE Vennootsweg 1 t/m 20

Postcodes and streets at Vennootsweg in Een

Below you will find postcodes and streets near the street Vennootsweg.

More about Vennootsweg

Vennootsweg is a street in the place Een within the municipality Noordenveld of the province Drenthe. Vennootsweg is 1 of the 15 streets in Een. Vennootsweg has 1 postcode of the total 23 postcodes that Een knows.

Vennootsweg is located in the neighbourhood Verspreide huizen Een within the district Wijk 04 Norg. This neighbourhood has a total of 7 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 140 households with 330 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the Vennootsweg is 0592.

province: Drenthe
municipality: Noordenveld
place: Een
district: Wijk 04 Norg
neighbourhood: Verspreide huizen Een
postcode number: 9342
area code: 0592

Stations and supermarkets Vennootsweg

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the street Vennootsweg

stations Vennootsweg

Below you see the stations which are near the street Vennootsweg with the corresponding street name and postcode.

station street postcode distance
Station Zuidhorn Stationsweg 2 9801BA 19.47 km
Station Grijpskerk Stationsstraat 31 9843AE 21.32 km
Station Assen Stationsplein 2 9401LB 24.22 km
Station Groningen Stationsplein 4 9726AE 26.15 km
Station Groningen Noord Kastanjelaan 1 9741CN 26.82 km

supermarkets Vennootsweg

Below is an overview of supermarkets with postcode and address information near the street Vennootsweg.

supermarket street postcode distance
Coop Slotemaker de Bruïneweg 5 8433MB 4.4 km
Poiesz Leeksterweg 43 8433KW 4.43 km
Poiesz Kokswijk 11 9354BV 5.55 km
Poiesz Burgemeester Bushoffstraat 15 9311PA 6.98 km
Lidl Padkamp 7 9301AX 9.36 km
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