postcode Lekkerkerk-Oost

What are the postcodes of the neighbourhood Lekkerkerk-Oost? On this page you will find postcode information about the neighbourhood Lekkerkerk-Oost. The neighbourhood Lekkerkerk-Oost is one of the 12 neighbourhoods within the district Wijk 00 Lekkerkerk. There are 21 postcodes and 12 corresponding streets within this neighbourhood.

Lekkerkerk-Oost postcodes and streets

The overview of the postcodes and streets of the neighbourhood Lekkerkerk-Oost.

postcodes Lekkerkerk-Oost

Some postcodes of the neighborhood Lekkerkerk-Oost. How many postcodes Lekkerkerk-Oost has? Lekkerkerk-Oost has 21 postcodes.

streets Lekkerkerk-Oost

How many streets does Lekkerkerk-Oost have? Lekkerkerk-Oost has 12 streets. Below are all the streets of the neighborhood Lekkerkerk-Oost.

More about the neighbourhood Lekkerkerk-Oost

Lekkerkerk-Oost is a neighborhood in the district Wijk 00 Lekkerkerk within the city Lekkerkerk of the province Zuid-Holland. The neighborhood Lekkerkerk-Oost has 21 postcodes with 12 streets.

In total Lekkerkerk-Oost counts 570 households with 1 475 inhabitants. The households comprise 17% of single households, 48% of households with children and 35% of households without children. Of the inhabitants in Lekkerkerk-Oost, 708 are married, that is 48% of the inhabitants of Lekkerkerk-Oost.

province: Zuid-Holland
municipality: Krimpenerwaard
place: Lekkerkerk
district: Wijk 00 Lekkerkerk
postcode numbers: 2941,
area code: 0180

Stations and supermarkets Lekkerkerk-Oost

The overview of stations and supermarkets in Lekkerkerk-Oost and surroundings.

stations Lekkerkerk-Oost

These 5 stations with postcode and address can be found near Lekkerkerk-Oost

station street postcode distance
Station Nieuwerkerk a/ d Ijssel Stationsplein 1 2912SM 10.09 km
Station Zwijndrecht Stationsplein 1 3331LL 10.15 km
Station Dordrecht Stationsplein 1 3311JV 10.24 km
Station Dordrecht Zuid S.M. Hugo van Gijnweg 1 3317JD 11.57 km
Station Capelle Schollevaar Stationsplein 14 2907MJ 12.2 km

supermarkets Lekkerkerk-Oost

These are the 5 nearest supermarkets for Lekkerkerk-Oost.

supermarket street postcode distance
Coop Raadhuisplein 9 2941BR 0.56 km
Albert Heijn Kerkweg 100 2941BP 0.63 km
Plus Kleijburgplein 9 2957AT 1.49 km
Albert Heijn Planetenlaan 35 2957SL 1.81 km
Dirk Sportlaan 1 2951HL 3.78 km
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